Analisis Kinerja Biaya dan Waktu pada Proyek Konstruksi Proyek Pembangunan Kantor Badan Pertanahan Nasional BPN Blitar Menggunakan Metode Earned Value

  • Didi Supryadi
  • Budi Witjaksana
  • Sajiyo Sajiyo
Keywords: Time, Cost, Earned value



The management of construction project has three main objects which must be achieved. They are cost, quality, and schedule. The building of BPN office at Blitar city which was planned to be two floors office must be completed approximately within 125 days and it gets problem with the contractor who experienced the delay of 3 weeks. In this research, the researcher did the trials to find out early warning if there were inappropriate performance in finishing the projects so the management wisdom and change of implementation method can be implemented in order that the increasing cost and the delay of project completion can be prevented. The method of earned value is used in organizing the working of BPN Office building at Blitar city. It will intergrate the concept of schedule and cost. The method of earned value is accounted from various factors which show the progress and the project performance such as Cost Variance (CV), Schedule Variance (SV), Estimate Arrangements Cost (EAC), and Estimate Completion Date (ECD). The result of using earned value method obtains the big amount of Estimate Required Cost (ETC) which is 1.644.314.371 and Estimate Required Schedule (ETS) on the last evaluation at 14th week is 37 days and difference to estimate arrangements cost (EAC) is more than 0,64% from the contract cost while the Estimate Arrangements Schedule (EAS) is 125 days. By giving 10 additional days, the schedule difference to complete the project is 0,8% longer. Based on analysis result gotten for construction provider doing the building project, it must apply the good and efficient implementation method in all steps of performance with consistent supervision in order that there will not be working delay on building project of BPN office at Blitar city.


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