Analisis Biaya dan Waktu pada Proyek Perumahan Citraland dengan Metode Percepatan Trade Cost Trade Off (TCTO) (Studi Kasus Perumahan Citraland Utara, Cluster North West Lake, Surabaya)

  • Alvin Antoro
  • Risma Marleno
  • Hanie Teki Tjendani
  • Esti Wulandari
Keywords: Residential, Late, Acceleration


The growing human need for housing makes many developers compete to provide comfortable housing for people but limited land becomes a barrier to building these residences. Because of this land limitation, the housing project in Citraland North is also late to start work. Even though it started with delays due to land disputes, Citraland still had to provide the house on time so that the contractor was required to work extra in order to complete the housing on time. But sometimes in this housing development project there are obstacles that occur, one of which in this discussion is a land dispute that results in delays in the initial start of housing construction. From the work performance reports from PT Galaxy Alam Semesta, it is found that there is a delay in the work of the contractor CV Bangun Jaya Abadi so that acceleration is needed so that there is no delay. One way to overcome these delays is the Trade Cost Trade Off method. This method is a method of paying a number of additional costs to be replaced with overtime working hours or replaced as an additional number of workers. By also taking into account the critical points of the development process. In the citraland housing project undertaken by CV. Bangun Jaya Abadi, there was a delay of 108 days which must be resolved immediately so as not to be charged a fine for the delay. With the Trade Cost Trade Off method with additional labor, it is found that the project can be completed on time, namely within 297 days. With a cost of around Rp. 450,000.00.


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