• Rina Mariani
  • Budi Witjaksana


The Sangkulirang-Bontang road improvement project is in the form of delays on the seventh
week of December amounting to 6.21%. The cause of the delay in the execution of work was
the problem of asphalt work and thermoplast road marking equipment. This research is
intended to obtain optimal solutions in order to catch up on project delays. There are two
alternatives that can be assessed, namely the first addition to the time of work
implementation using the amount of equipment available, and the second by increasing the
amount of equipment used. It turned out that the first alternative cost was Rp. 18,349,500.24
with a period of 17 days. The second alternative is the implementation cost of Rp.
36,699,234.86 but with a processing time of 9 days. Because the first alternative is cheaper
with time still permissible, the first alternative is chosen. In order to catch up on work delays,
planning and scheduling are obtained and the acceleration of the duration of the project
completion is 1 day from the initial project planning of 59.0%. And in terms of costs there is
a difference in the contract value of Rp.5,565,986,000.00 with a total cost of work of Rp.
4,647,256,026.19 or Rp. 505,998,154.81 amounting to 0.165%
Keywords: planning and scheduling project, delays, crashing time, road improvement


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