Guide for Authors

Journal of Information Technology and Cyber Security (JITCS):

  1. General Information The Journal of Information Technology and Cyber Security (JITCS) is a prestigious scholarly journal that publishes high-quality research articles, reviews, and technical notes in the field of information technology and cyber security. The journal aims to disseminate innovative and significant contributions to the academic and industrial communities. JITCS welcomes submissions from researchers, academicians, and industry experts worldwide.

  2. Manuscript Categories JITCS accepts manuscripts in the following categories:

  • Research Articles: Original and substantial research contributions that advance the knowledge and understanding of information technology and cyber security.

  • Reviews: Comprehensive and critical evaluations of existing research literature, highlighting emerging trends, identifying gaps, and proposing future directions.

  • Technical Notes: Brief reports on technical findings, tools, methodologies, or practical applications in the field of information technology and cyber security.

  1. Manuscript Preparation Authors are encouraged to adhere to the following guidelines when preparing their manuscripts for submission to JITCS:

3.1. Title Page The title page should include the following information:

  • Title: A concise and informative title that accurately represents the content of the manuscript.
  • Authors' names: Full names of all authors, along with their affiliations and email addresses.
  • Abstract: A structured abstract of no more than 250 words, summarizing the objectives, methods, key findings, and conclusions of the study.
  • Keywords: 3 to 5 keywords that capture the main themes or concepts of the manuscript.

3.2. Introduction Provide a clear and concise introduction that outlines the context, objectives, and significance of the research. State the research problem, highlight the existing literature, and clearly articulate the research questions or hypotheses.

3.3. Materials and Methods Describe the materials, tools, and methodologies employed in the research. Provide sufficient detail to allow reproducibility of the study. If existing methods are used, provide appropriate references.

3.4. Results and Discussion Present the results of the study in a logical and coherent manner. Use tables, figures, and graphs as necessary to enhance clarity. Interpret the results and discuss their implications, including comparisons with existing literature. Address any limitations or constraints encountered during the research.

3.5. Conclusion Summarize the main findings of the study and their significance. Discuss the contributions of the research and suggest potential avenues for future work. Avoid repeating information presented earlier in the manuscript.

3.6. References List all references cited in the manuscript following a standardized citation style (APA). Ensure the accuracy and completeness of the reference list. 

  • Minimum Number of References: Authors are expected to include a minimum of 20 references in their manuscript. These references should be sufficient to support and provide a strong foundation for the conducted research. It is recommended to include a reasonable number of relevant references to establish the context and foundation of the research.
  • Source of References: 80% of the references used should come from reputable and relevant international journals. These sources should have undergone a peer review process by experts to ensure high credibility and scholarly value. 
  • Self-Citation: Authors are allowed to cite their own previous work, but excessive self-citation should be avoided. It is recommended to limit self-citation to a maximum of three references, ensuring that they are highly relevant to the current research.
  • Recent References: Authors should prioritize citing recent literature, preferably within the last 10 years. This helps to ensure the inclusion of up-to-date and relevant sources.
  1. Manuscript Submission Authors should submit their manuscripts electronically through the online submission system available on the JITCS website ( Follow the instructions provided on the submission page to ensure a successful submission. Manuscripts should be prepared in Microsoft Word.

  2. Peer Review Process All manuscripts submitted to JITCS undergo a rigorous double-blind peer review process. The identities of both the authors and reviewers are kept anonymous to ensure impartial evaluation. The review process aims to provide constructive feedback to authors and maintain the highest quality of published articles.

  3. Publication Ethics JITCS adheres to the highest standards of publication ethics and expects authors to uphold these principles. Plagiarism, fraudulent data, and unethical research practices are strictly prohibited. Authors must ensure the originality of their work and provide appropriate citations for the works of others.

  4. Copyright and Open Access JITCS operates under a copyright policy that ensures protection of authors' rights. Authors retain copyright of their published work, and readers are granted free access to the published articles through open access.