• Fierda Nurany University of Bhayangkara, Surabaya
  • Annastya Putri K University of Bhayangkara, Surabaya
  • Fatimatul Mukhibbah A University of Bhayangkara, Surabaya
  • Laili Dwi Agustina University of Bhayangkara, Surabaya
  • Anindya Pryhasstya P University of Bhayangkara, Surabaya
  • Eka Pramudhita University of Bhayangkara Surabaya
Keywords: Service, E-Government, Bandung


The purpose of this study is to analyze and examine the role of the government in improving public services through E-Government. The background of this research is the application of E-Government to make it easier for people to receive public services. This research is a qualitativeresearch using descriptive analysis, which analyzes the role of the government in improving public services with the application of E-Government. The research method in this study uses observation techniques, namely by making observations, documentation, namely through information in the form of data records and literature, namely reading and studying books or literature, KBBI, the internet and all materials related to this writing. This research takes a case study in the city of Bandung that uses E-Government in the process of administering government and public services. Data collection is carried out by collecting secondary data obtained from the 2020 LKIP Diskominfo, Bandung Regency. The results showed that the government succeeded in improving public services through E-Government by obtaining the highest score of 84.03% at the West Java Provincial level and receiving awards in public information disclosure. There are also driving factors so that the Bandung City government has also succeeded in improving and implementing E-Government for the last 5 years and has succeeded in supporting the delivery of information to the public through Banserv. Thus, the Bandung City government can organize a government implementation process, especially public services that utilize ICT so that it can run optimally and can encourage community participation in using the official Bandung City website. The advice that researchers can give is the need for support in the form of regulatory readiness that regulates the procedures, procedures and standards of the website system and the integrated and integrated information technology management information system


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Author Biographies

Fierda Nurany, University of Bhayangkara, Surabaya

Lecture at University of Bhayangkara, Surabaya

Annastya Putri K, University of Bhayangkara, Surabaya

Academic at University of Bhayangkara, Surabaya

Fatimatul Mukhibbah A, University of Bhayangkara, Surabaya

Academic at University of Bhayangkara, Surabaya

Laili Dwi Agustina, University of Bhayangkara, Surabaya

Academic at University of Bhayangkara, Surabaya

Anindya Pryhasstya P, University of Bhayangkara, Surabaya

Academic at University of Bhayangkara, Surabaya

Eka Pramudhita, University of Bhayangkara Surabaya

Academic at University of Bhayangkara, Surabaya


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How to Cite
Nurany, F., K, A., A, F., Agustina, L., P, A., & Pramudhita, E. (2022). THE ROLE OF THE BANDUNG CITY GOVERNMENT IN IMPROVING PUBLIC SERVICES THROUGH E-GOVERNMENT. MAP Observer: Jurnal Penelitian Administrasi Publik, 2(02), 1-13.