• Daniel Wilian
  • Novi Andari


Abstrak: Karya sastra adalah sebuah ungkapan perasaan, ide, dan pemikiran dalam suatu gambaran konkret baik tertulis maupun tidak tertulis, salah satunya berupa sebuah lirik lagu. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan 3 album yaitu “My Way”, “Answer” dan “Negai E.P.” sebagai sumber data yang disinyalir sudah cukup mewakili karakteristik diksi dan gaya bahasa yang digunakan pada lirik lagu karya Touyama Mirei. Metode kualitatif deskriptif sebagai metode penelitian dalam penelitian ini. Berdasarkan hasil analisis, pada album “Answer”, “My Way”, dan “Negai E.P” terdapat 16 macam gaya bahasa. Pada album “Answer” ditemukan 13 macam gaya bahasa, pada album “My Way” ditemukan 9 macam gaya bahasa, pada mini-album “Negai E.P” ditemukan 3 macam gaya bahasa. Gaya bahasa yang paling banyak ditemukan dalam 3 album tersebut adalah gaya bahasa Metafora dan Repetisi. Adapun diksi yang sering muncul dan digunakan bersifat denotatif. Simpulan yang dapat diambil adalah gaya bahasa berupa metafora dan repetisi,  dan penggunaan diksi bersifat denotatif atau bermakna sebenarnya merupakan ciri khas atau style dari penyanyi sekaligus pengarang lagu Touyama Mirei.

Kata kunci: Stilistika, Lirik Lagu, Diksi, Gaya Bahasa, Makna


Abstract: Literary work is an expression of feelings, ideas, and thoughts in a concrete picture both written and unwritten, one of which is a song lyrics. This research was conducted using 3 albums namely "My Way", "Answer" and "Negai E.P." as a source of data that was allegedly sufficient to represent the characteristics of diction and language style used in song lyrics by Touyama Mirei. Descriptive qualitative method as a research method in this study. Based on the results of the analysis that has been done, it is concluded that 16 kinds of language styles can be found in the album "Answer", "My Way", and "Negai E.P". In the album "Answer" found 13 kinds of language styles, on the album "My Way" found 9 kinds of language styles, on the mini-album "Negai E.P" found 3 kinds of language styles. The style of language most commonly found in these 3 albums is the style of Metaphor and Repetition. The diction that often appears and is used is denotative. The conclusion that can be drawn is the style of language in the form of metaphors and repetitions and the use of diction which is denotative or meaningful is actually a characteristic or style of the singer and songwriter Touyama Mirei.

Keywords: Stylistics, Song Lyrics, Diction, Language, Meanings


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How to Cite
Wilian, D., & Andari, N. (2020). DIKSI DAN GAYA BAHASA LIRIK LAGU JEPANG KARYA TOUYAMA MIREI. Mezurashii: Journal of Japanese Studies, 2(1). https://doi.org/10.30996/mezurashii.v2i1.3558