Sukma: Jurnal Penelitian Psikologi accepts manuscript research results in the fields of educational psychology, developmental psychology, clinical psychology, social psychology, industrial & organizational psychology, but not limited to:

  1. Personality and Learning
  2. Learning Interventions
  3. Teaching Strategies
  4. Education of Children with Special Needs
  5. Education of Gifted Children
  6. Counselling in Education
  7. Development of Children, Adolescents, Adults, and the Elderly
  8. Developmental Problems
  9. Parenting Strategies
  10. Quality of Life
  11. Personality Disorder
  12. Behaviour Modification
  13. Counselling and Psychotherapy
  14. Psychosis Disorders
  15. Psychological Intervention
  16. Social Transformation
  17. Social Intervention
  18. Employee Engagement
  19. Aggressive Behavior
  20. Prosocial Behavior
  21. Group Conformity
  22. Customer Satisfaction
  23. Organizational Leadership
  24. Organizational Commitment
  25. Work Motivation
  26. Work Stress