The Lifestyle have a major impact on the purchase and consumption of consumer
behaviour of consumers. From time to time an individual’s lifestyle and particular group
of people will move dynamically. However, lifestyle is rapidly changing, so that at a
certain time is relatively permanent lifestyle. The existence of Traditional markets in
urban areas from time to time further increasingly threatened by rampant construction of
Modern Markets. As we know the impact of the existence of Modern Market to retail
business managed by cooperative, Traditional Market small and medium enterprise and
draw up a concept on the empowerment of retail business applied by cooperative,
Traditional Market small and medium enterprise. The main problem of this study is (1)
the position of Traditional Market and Modern Market seen from institutional aspect
and the existing regulation, (2) the impact of the existence of Modern Market to retail
business managed by cooperative, Traditional market small and medium enterprise seen
in aspect of business volume, selling price, worker number and factors affecting
consumer behaviour in determining to shopping and (3) the concept to empower retail
business applied by cooperative, Traditional Market small and medium enterprises
impact to business volume of Traditional Market. Between before and after the
existence of Modern is quite different, in which the business volume of Traditional
Market was higher before the existence of Modern Market, while variable of selling
price and worker number is just a slight difference. Based on the analysis, zoning
Traditional Markets and Modern markets is the authority of Local Government
Developments as stipulated in Presidential Regulation Number 112 year 2007
concerning settlement and Development of Traditional, Modern Shopping Centres and
who is the embodiment of law No. 5 year 1999 concerning prohibition of Monopolistic
practices and Unfair Business Competition Healthy.
Keyword : Life Style , Traditional Market, Modern Market..
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Keputusan Menteri Perindustrian dan Perdagangan Republik Indonesia No.
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tentang Ketentuan dan Tata Cara Pemberian Izin Usaha Pasar Modern
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