Hypocrisies Of Democracy: Existence Of Community Organization And State Control

  • Anggie Parawitha Lucca Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Jawa Timur
Keywords: community organization, hypocrisy democracy, state control


The study of democratic hypocrisy is mainly related to state control of people’s freedom to associate and assemble, and Strategies to overcome them in Indonesia have not been comprehensive in analyzing qualitatively and identifying the emergence of social movements and what makes community organizations strong. This article aims to describe and analyze the causes of a country with a democratic system that guarantees freedom of association and assembly, plus the statement of the President Joko Widodo regime, which urges the public to be active in criticizing the government instead to act repressively and the causes of social movements through community organizations to become strong. This research was conducted by observing community organizations (Ormas) and studying literature. The results showed that repressive actions until the dissolution of mass organizations were carried out because the more significant the threat of a social movement, social movement organization, or protest activity against the government and government elites, the more possible repressive actions will be carried out. Meanwhile, what makes mass organizations exist is analyzed based on the theory of the political process, in which the mass organizations make movements because they see political opportunities and then add the strength of popular organizations. Even though political and organizational opportunities alone do not quickly produce social movements, someone with his leadership is needed to fill the political opportunity and the organization’s strength, such as the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI), which owns Habib Rizieq Shihab. The low level of public satisfaction with the regime also causes mass organizations’ social movements to exist increasingly, overlapping often inconsistent policies, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic, making community satisfaction decrease.


Keywords: Community Organization, Hipocrisy Democracy, and State Control


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How to Cite
Lucca, A. (2022). Hypocrisies Of Democracy: Existence Of Community Organization And State Control. JPAP: Jurnal Penelitian Administrasi Publik, 8(1), 193-210. https://doi.org/10.30996/jpap.v8i1.7019