• Putri Retnosari Gadjah Mada University
  • Rizal Mustansyir Gadjah Mada University
  • Hastanti Widy Nugroho Gadjah Mada University
Keywords: Critical Discourse Analysis, Crime, Political Communication


Research entitled "Fairclough’s Critical Discourse Analysis in exposing the Crime of Political Communication in The Digital Ag" is motivated by crime issues that have developed into various social crimes, such as cyber crime, psychological crime, economic crime, and political crime. In the digital age, the crime of political communication is new because this form of crime is sublimated in e-commerce which tends to appeal to all ages. Critical discourse analysis offers a critical perspective in addressing the latest phenomena facing humans in the Digital Age. Especially the phenomenon of technology whose development is increasingly fast and uncontrollable. The purpose of this study is to reveal various forms of political communication crime through critical discourse analysis. The method used in this research is the library method. The results showed that the crime of political communication in the Digital Age occurred through the medium of the Digital Market as a medium of political communication


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Author Biography

Putri Retnosari, Gadjah Mada University

Putri Retnosari

Putri is a Philosophy Doctoral Program Student at Gadjah Mada University Yogyakarta. Currently, Putri is also assigned to be a lecturer at IKIP Widya Darma Surabaya, one of the best private campuses in Surabaya. Journal writing has also been published in the international journal Athens Institute for Education and Research, Greece and also at the International Conference on the Humanities and Social Science, Department of Management and Humanities, Petronas University of Technology Malaysia. Putri has also published books entitled "Understanding Pancasila in the Indonesian Horizon" and "Anthropology of Metaphysics" both books are the result of collaboration with her friends.


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How to Cite
Retnosari, P., Mustansyir, R., & Nugroho, H. (2019). DEKONSTRUKSI KOMUNIKASI POLITIK DI ERA DIGITAL (Studi Analisis Wacana Kritis Fairclough). DIA: Jurnal Administrasi Publik, 17(2), 88 - 102.