PELAYANAN ADUAN MASYARAKAT DI TVRI SURABAYA JAWA TIMUR (Studi Tentang Pelaksanaan SOP Pelayanan Gangguan Teknis Siaran di TVRI Surabaya, Jawa Timur Dalam Rangka Peningkatan Kinerja layanan Masyarakat)

  • Rizky Pratama Mukti


TVRI East Java currently has a good network of technology-related information but there is no integrated information system with both involved in the management of data and information for the whole part of the organizational unit. Penyiaran production program areas still have to create and print a document to request approval of the technique. It should have been done automatically via the information system is not done manually. Information systems that can integrate all the data on all organizational units so that the fieldmanual programdon’t need to print data when making a television program.This study aims to determine and analyze the implementation of the SOP on the technical problems broadcast on TVRI East Java and public service performance complaints TVRI East Java. The research method using a questionnaire or questionnaires with interviews and observation. Mechanical analysis using qualitative analysis. There are three respondents surveyed in this study by answering questions based on a questionnaire given to assess the informant opinion on the implementation of the SOP, public complaints service and employee performance. Free or independent variables namely SOP and services while the dependent variable or the dependent employee performance. The results based on the results of the processing of qualitative data through interviews and observations as a whole informant or informants judge that the service being assessed through five indicators, namely tangible, assurance, responsiveness, reliability and empathy showed a positive response and reward employee performance TVRI East Java, ranging from service staff and information. SOP implementation of the technical problems broadcasts done by all employees involved TVRI handle the technical problems of this release. Results of the public service complaints, shows that the public service complaints Java TVRI well. It can diliihat of data processing has been done based on observations and interviews conducted by the researchers.

Keyword: Public Service Complaints, SOP, Employee Performance


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How to Cite
Mukti, R. (2016). PELAYANAN ADUAN MASYARAKAT DI TVRI SURABAYA JAWA TIMUR (Studi Tentang Pelaksanaan SOP Pelayanan Gangguan Teknis Siaran di TVRI Surabaya, Jawa Timur Dalam Rangka Peningkatan Kinerja layanan Masyarakat). JPAP: Jurnal Penelitian Administrasi Publik, 2(02).